Mini Mint Chocolate Tarts

Serves: 12


The Filling: 
1 cup raw cashews, soaked overnight
1 tsp pure peppermint extract by Simply Organic
1½ tsp matcha powder by Matcha Ninja
5 tbsp coconut cream
1 tbsp organic stevia
1 tsp pure vanilla extract by Simply Organic

For the Topping:
30g (or half the bar) Giddy Yoyo Organic Raw Hundo 100% Dark Chocolate Bar

The Crust:
½ cup raw almonds
1 cup shredded coconut
8 Medjool dates
2 tbsp cacao powder by Organic Traditions
1 tsp pure vanilla extract by Simply Organic
1 tbsp coconut oil
Small pinch of sea salt


For the filling:
Place all the filling ingredients ingredients into the blender and blend until you get a creamy smooth consistency. Adjust sweetness if needed. Chill in the fridge for 15min. 

For the Crust:
Place the almonds in the food processor and pulse until you get a smooth flour.  Add the shredded coconut, dates, cacao powder, coconut oil, vanilla extract and salt. If it's too dry, add one of two more dates. Press the crust into 2 trays ( 2 x 6 mini tart pans). Chill in the fridge for 15min.  

Retrieve the filling and crust from the fridge. Scoop the filling onto the crusts. Melt the chocolate in a small pan and drizzle onto the tarts. Chill in the fridge again for at least another 30min or put in the freezer for 15min. 

Remove from the fridge or freezer and enjoy with freshly cut strawberries. 

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